- Asking for too much? The voices of students with disabilities in Botswana
- Botswana country report on the implementation of the Beijing platform for action (Beijing plus 20 years)
- Double Jeopardy (Plight of Female Students with Disability in Botswana Higher education)
- Inclusive practices for learners with intellectual disabilities in primary schools in Botswana: what are teachers doing to enhance inclusion?
- Living conditions among people with disability in Botswana
- Protecting the disabled in Botswana (An anomalous case of legislative neglect)
- Situation Analysis Report of Disability Rights in the Context of Botswana - 2016
- Political participation of persons with disabilities in Botswana
- The right to inclusive education in Botswana: Present challenges and future prospects
- The Significance of Inclusion Concept in the Education System as Perceived by Junior Secondary Teachers - Botswana