- A study of Primary School Teachers’ perspectives on Influence of the Policy in Special Needs Education
- Access to and Provision of Pre-primary and Primary Education for Children with Disabilities in Tanzania - 2013
- Access to education and Assistive devices for children with physical disabilities in Tanzania 2014
- Applied research concerning inclusion of persons with disabilities in social protection system 2015
- Assessing social response over violence against disabled women in Zanzibar 2018
- Children and Vulnerability in Tanzania - 2008
- Disability Movement in Tanzania and Status - Tanzania Federation of Disabled People Organizations
- Disability Rights in Tanzania by SIDA
- Education for all and students with disabilities in Tanzanian primary schools challenges and successes
- Education for children with disabilities in Tanzania 2017
- Factors leading to low employment rate of people with physical disability in Tanzania - 2015
- Reseach on Implementation of Inclusive Educationin Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania - 2017
- Sexual Violence and Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities in Tanzania and South Africa - Peter Shughuru Thesis 2012
- Tanzania Disability Monograph 2016
- Tanzania socio-economic statistics 2016
- The Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Tanzania 2010 General Elections
- UNICEF Annual Report 2017 - Tanzania