Internships: Africa Disability Alliance (ADA)
With support from the “First Job” programme of the First Rand Foundation (FRF) ADA calls for applications for two interns in financial management and project management as described above. Applicants must fulfil the following conditions: 1. You have never had formal employment. 2. Must have a matric as a minimum qualification (graduates encouraged to apply), 3. Must be between 18 and 34 years of age, 4. Must be a South African citizen and 5. From any one of the designated ethic groups. Qualified persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Download call for applications
PhD Studentship now available in Uganda and Zambia
The PENDA Consortium is pleased to launch a full-time studentship for two researchers with disabilities to conduct research to improve the evidence surrounding Disability Inclusive Development. The Consortium is committed to building the capacity of researchers with disabilities from LMICs, and so is launching an exciting new PhD Programme with studentships available in Uganda and now Zambia.
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Call for Abstracts: 6th AfriNEAD Conference (November 30th – December 3rd 2020 – CAPE TOWN)
The Scientific Committee of the 6th AfriNEAD Conference invites contributions from persons with disabilities, researchers, business personnel, policy makers, activists and practitioners to share evidence, experiences and ideas on what really matters to persons with disabilities in Africa. The theme for the conference: “Disability unplugged – Beyond Conventions and Charters: what really matters to persons with disabilities in Africa” reflects the need to move our research and practice from rhetoric to impacting on the lives of persons with disabilities. 2020 will be all about impact. We aim for evidence-based solutions to actions in disability work - or a map, a plan for the future, a blue print for going forward.
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Disability Rights Annual Conference
The Centre for Human Rights of the University of Pretoria hosts an annual conference on disability rights in an African context during the first week of November. Conference participants include persons with disabilities, their families and their representative organisations, policymakers, policy implementers, lawyers, faculty from universities around the world, human rights activists and scholars. The inaugural disability rights conference was held in 2013.
2019 Conference call for papers

Disability Rights Scholarship Programme
The Disability Rights Scholarship Program offers awards to individuals from China, Czech Republic, Mexico, and select countries in Africa and Eurasia for a one-year Master of Laws (LLM) degree.
The program’s objective is to provide disability rights advocates and lawyers with the necessary expertise to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, policy, research, and scholarship to harness the innovations and opportunities offered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
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Master’s degree (LLM/MPhil) in Disability Rights in Africa
The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria launched an LLM/MPhil (Disability Rights in Africa) degree programme in December 2018.
Embedded in the international human rights framework, the programme explores disability rights in the light of United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa (the Protocol).
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Advanced Human Rights Course: Disability Rights in an African context
This short course is part of a series of annual advanced human rights courses offered by the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.
The course which comes in the wake of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CPRD) (2006) is part of the Centre’s efforts in promoting awareness about disability rights in the African region.
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