- Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act 46 of 2013
- Building Standards Act
- Child Justice Act 2008-075
- Children's Act 38 of 2005
- Co-operatives Act 14 of 2005
- Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007
- Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977
- Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998
- Electoral Act 73 of 1998
- Electronic Communications Act 36 of 2005
- Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998
- Labour Relations Act no. 66 of 1995 as amended 1L15.7
- Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002
- National Education Policy Act27of1996
- National health Act 61 of 2003
- National Land and Transport Act 5 of 2009
- National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
- Postal Services Act 124 of 1998
- Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act
- Skills develomment Act 97 1998
- Skills Development Levies Act 9 of 1999
- Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004
- South African Citizenship Act 88 of 1995
- South African Library for the Blind Act 91 of 1998
- South African Schools Act 8 4of 1996
- Sterilisation Act 44 of 1998
- The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework